onsdag 17. juli 2019

Pounding along

Been working on drums today. The first song is starting to sound like something, and I made a lot of progress on the second one. I tried to record myself with the phone today, which was interesting. Some things sounded better than I feared, but I also noticed parts that I need to tweak. Will continue to record myself drumming from now on.

I even came up with a part where I have to open and close the hihat. Tricky!

Check out this setup from a while back. One of the other bands at the rep place were recording in studio so all the cymbals were gone. All I had was a hihat top, so I played all cymbal hits on that one. Doesn't really matter at this point, the important thing is to practice using my arms and legs correctly so that I am able to play something close to what I have in mind.

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